Events and Workshops
In-person Meditation Classes:
WHEN: Tuesdays 6pm
WHAT TO BRING: Your beautiful self, an open mind and heart, eye mask
INVESTMENT: $25 per person per class
DETAILS: There are no pre-requites for these classes. You can be an experienced meditator or a beginner or never have touched meditation before.
This is a safe and respectful space for people to access their own inner healing with the support of others.

I hold both in-person and online events and workshops on various aspects of Holistic Health.
These events are a safe and sacred space for people to gain education, awareness and tools to progress forward on their health and spirituality journeys. Furthermore, they offer great opportunity to meet new people and connect with like-minded individuals.
To enquire about future events or register your interest, please get in touch!

Anxiety Workshop
This workshop is about freeing you from whatever it is that may be blocking you so far
Our sub-conscious is constantly attempting to keep us safe and sometimes it continues patterns and programs that no longer serve us
In this workshop we will be removing the programs/blocks that are no longer serving us
When we do this, it frees up your entire being. You feel free, light and healthy
People describe processes and workshops such as this as transformational, life changing and in valuable